Inventory management Inventory management is the management of inventory and stock. As an element of supply chain management, inventory management includes aspects such as controlling and overseeing ordering inventory, storage of inventory, and controlling the amount of product for sale. Inventory management is all a... read more

financial accounting

December 05, 2019

Short term finance refers to financing needs for a small period normally less than a year. In businesses, it is also known as working capital financing. This type of financing is normally needed because of uneven flow of cash into the business, the seasonal pattern of business, etc. In most cases, it is used to finance a... read more

financial management

December 04, 2019

Sources of Short Term Financing “Short term finance refers to financing needs for a small period normally less than a year. In businesses, it is also known as working capital financing. This type of financing is normally needed because of uneven flow of cash into the business, the seasonal pattern of business, ... read more

financial management

December 02, 2019

Tests for the Semi Strong Market When the current security prices reflect all the public information including market and non-market information. This implies that decisions made on new information after it is made public with not result into any above the average profit. In semi strong form of efficient market, no r... read more

corporate finance

October 07, 2019

Under the EDI electronic data interchange and e-commerce system the parent company design a website and access to that website is given to its main customer for example suppliers and distributers. The website can be accessed through customer provided password. These websites are also connected with the banks of parent co... read more

introduction to business

September 26, 2019

The first hypothesis is Random Walk Hypothesis. 1. Random Walk Hypothesis According to this hypothesis the security prices adjust themselves randomly this implies that predicting any changes in the security prices is out of question. The random walk hypothesis is a financial theory stating that stock market p... read more

corporate finance

September 25, 2019

To see whether the market is weak form of market efficient there are two statistical tests. Auto Correlation Test Run Test 1. Auto- correlation Test If there is relation between the prices then we will say that in the stock market there is auto correlation and is weak form of efficient market like... read more

business research methods

July 28, 2019

Entry in pure monopoly is blocked. There are strong barriers that effectively block strong competition. Somewhat weaker barrier permit oligopoly-A market structure dominate by few firms. Still weaker barrier may permit the entry of fairly large numbers of competitors giving rise to monopolistic competition. No barrier me... read more

business economics

April 03, 2019

4 Main Types of Mergers and Acquisitions Companies may combine in different forms, there are four main types of mergers and acquisitions; Horizontal Mergers / Acquisitions Horizontal mergers occur between the companies that have same customer base, offers similar products and lies on same business level... read more

introduction to business

March 21, 2019

Assumptions of Production Possibility Model Following are the assumptions of production possibility model; Productive inefficiency and unemployment. If economy is productively inefficient and is not using all the resources (Unemployment) then that economy will not lie on production frontier but rather inside ... read more

business economics

February 22, 2019

Production Possibilities Model Model is the simple presentation of reality. There are four assumptions of production possibilities model. Resources are used to produce one or both of only two goods. The quantities of the resources do not change. Technology and production techniques do not change. ... read more

business economics

February 15, 2019

What is Economic Methodology? Economic methodology is scientific in nature. It include following steps. Observation of facts Development of cause and effect relationship (Hypothesis) Testing of hypothesis against real world observation Acceptance, rejection or modification of hypothesis ... read more

business economics

January 26, 2019

Personality Personality is the characteristic pattern of behavior thoughts and feeling that make an individual unique. Structure of Personality ID Present at the time of birth. Operate at unconscious level.  It is driven by pleasure principles. It uses primary process that is formulating or cre... read more

marketing management

December 21, 2018

Barriers of eCommerce Some of the main barriers of ecommerce are listed below; Security Trust and risk Lack of business model Culture User authentication and lacks of public interest Fraud is also a barrier Slow navigation Change agent to replace an old system with ne... read more

introduction to business

December 17, 2018

Open System Interconnection Reference Model / OSI Model When data is communicated we first find a way to send it, the data is then sent through medium and reaches its destination. For sending the data we should make sure that the mean we are using to send the data should be secure and reliable for example Encryption;... read more

management information system

December 17, 2018

E-Commerce The most accurate, efficient mean of conduction of e-commerce is Internet. The internet is emerging as a major worldwide distribution channel for goods, services, managerial and professional jobs. This is profoundly changing economics, market and industrial structure, product and services with their flow, ... read more

introduction to business

December 17, 2018

Benefits of eCommerce - Business Perspective Following are the Benefits of eCommerce with respect to Business; 1. Global Reach Its perspective is from buyer and seller both but more is from buyer. 2. Cost Reduction There is reduction in the cost of product in this we aren’t talking about its man... read more

introduction to business

December 15, 2018

Brief History of Ecommerce 1970’s innovation like EFT routed electronically from one organization to another but it was limited to large corporations only. EDI electronically transfer routine documents that application en large, pool of participating companies to include manufactures, retailers and services. IO... read more

introduction to business

December 10, 2018

Option An option is a derivative contract that provides a party the right to buy or sell an underlying asset at a fix price by a certain time in future, the party holding the right is an option buyer while the party granting the right is the option seller or option writer. The option buyer pays the seller an amount c... read more

corporate finance

December 05, 2018

Stock Exchange A stock exchange is a market or bourses market which provides trading facilities for brokers and traders. These stock brokers and traders trade share of the listed companies and other financial instrument such as term finance certificates and derivatives. Stock exchange also provides facilities to issu... read more

investment analysis

November 22, 2018

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